
Can't turn on mobile data? (Android 4.2, solution)

I’ve switched to Android 4.2 recently and noticed one quite annoying problem. I’m using Taskerto switch mobile data on only periodically in order to allow phone to download emails, weather info and other stuff. For majority of time when phone is in my pocket data services are off. It saves a lot of juice from my battery. And it’s working quite fine actually, or was working on Android 4.1. On 4.

Lync is crippled if you're small (O365)

I’m subscriber to O365 for quite some time and Lync wasn’t fully functional (ability to chat with people outside of my domain) for me even once. Solutions I was able to find in Google were all the same, turn off External communications then turn it on again (and it doesn’t work, I’ve tried many times). Today after some investigation I’ve finally found out where the problem is. It’s wrongly set SRV record.

Problem with VPN connection in (not IE8) Win7

Because of many reasons I’m using VPN connection when surfing the Web. It’s very good feature for me that I can setup IE7 to be able to connect to my VPN provider before connecting to any web server. But it’s not working good in Internet Explorer 8. When I’ve changed settings to dial default connection and trying to navigate to some page usual dialog about making such connection appears, but: