
I don’t have much time, so just quick post. I’m married! So long girls I’m no longer available:)

Google Desktop on Windows Vista 64 bit

Quick tip of the day. If you want to install Google Desktop on Vista 64 bit do as follows: Click Start menu -> Run or tap Windows sign and “r” at once on keyboard. Type “cmd” and press Enter. Navigate to folder which contains GoogleDesktopSetup.exe (Google Desktop installer). Type GoogleDesktopSetup.exe /force That’s it! Your installation was just started, proceed with the wizard to setup application. Enjoy! UPDATE: Now Google Desktop supports 64bit operating systems!

Blog moved!

Last night I’ve moved from Linux to Windows hosting. And this showed the new WordPress issue (or my lack of skills). I’ve moved everything and migrated SQL DB, but it didn’t worked. I was receiving error 500. As Google is giving me only tips how to migrate from Windows to Linux, not backward, I was forced to figure out something. As you can see I’ve succeeded. Blog is up and running, however Flickr plugin isn’t working properly, but I hope to fix it in few coming days.

MS auto installed add-on for Firefox

There is a little thunder on the net about add-on for Firefox called Microsoft .Net Framework Assistant 1.0 which was installed automatically via Windows Update. There are voices against as well as the ones which try to defend it. Some people even think that it’s some danger, like malware and stuff. Well, it isn’t. This new add-on will just let Firefox users install software using ClickOnce service, which basically lets you install apps directly from browser and provides you with more security as software is not interfering your operating system.

Windows 7 on October 22nd

Microsoft announced that his new baby (Windows 7) would be available for public on October 22nd this year. It’s pretty soon. Hopefully there would be not so many issues like with Vista (which was also released pretty quick). As person who was involved in Windows 7 localization process I must say that indeed there was a rush, sometimes too much. But as I saw latest build (newer than RC), system looks fine.

I definitively want one!

Must start saving money. When this baby would hit the European stores… It would be mine! Screw you Mac Air!


Let me teach you what I’ve learned lately. DIY = Do It Yourself

Wolfram faster than writers:)

There is new service called Wolfram which is being called by some people “the search engine”. But it’s not, it’s more like question/answer service, but using software instead of other humans to answer. For instance if you would look for “zamosc” (my hometown) in Google y0u’ll find links to several websites with word “zamosc” on it. But if you will search for the same phrase in Wolfram then you would receive data like population, current weather and so on.

District 9

Looks like we would have some awesome movie this year! I like this documentary style at the beginning. Also main bad “character” face is blurred, I’m curious what they’ve done to make it (I hope) scary. And the location looks interesting, some village in the third world country. Really looking forward to watch it. Hopefully I would not be dissapointed.